Offroad expedícia Tunis << Cestovanie

Offroad expedícia Tunis

Prinášame Vám fotogalériu od našich priateľov z Talianska z offroad expedície Tunis. Kamene, piesok, nekonečné prašné cesty to je offroad expedícia v africkom Tunise. Pre tých čo si to chcú skúsiť jednoduchá cesta do Ríma a z tade kompou do Tunisu a o zážitok na celý život postarané. Tu je pár foto: 

Viac foto nájdete TU


Autor: JOHNY b21.06.2013 10:06
Nice foto perfect....

Autor: Emmitt9.03.2015 16:23
Great, thanks for sharing this article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome. Emmitt

Autor: Heath15.03.2015 06:28
I like the efforts you have put in this, thanks for all the great content.

Autor: EtOGGI1526.03.2015 15:12
That ingihst would have saved us a lot of effort early on.

Autor: QRQxoRTJO27.03.2015 04:53
We codvu'le done with that insight early on.

Autor: Berry16.04.2015 02:13

Autor: Carter24.04.2015 04:08
You made some clear points there. I did a search on the topic and found most guys will approve with your website.

Autor: Michael24.04.2015 16:21
Wow! Really learned a tremendous amount of information from your blog. Thanks for the difficult work.

Autor: q3UYolec24.06.2016 09:38
Could be any of them. Stu was one of the top d-Mids in the EPL before getting hurt, MB plays an incredibly diplsicined dmid position with Chievo in a league renowned for defensive tactics, and JJ plays dmid for a Champs League side in Schalke.

Autor: OZDqxbgmG28.08.2016 09:01
Oh so beif!auul!t! I love their outfit! They look soooo happy. And I totally agree, that once you have a couple who’s madly in love, you don’t need anymore!

Autor: ksxlKp3q72.09.2016 01:10
Decent video, but I towels should NEVER be used to wipe up puss, b/c I don’t care how many times you clean it. It will always be dirty, also I can’t stand over wi0&8gi#n23p;.let the pus flow!

Autor: WHiQgXFg2.09.2016 01:46
Les marketeux ont réponse à tout : pas de réaction face à une campagne ? C’est donc que le message a été compris et assimilé par la cible qui s’est reconnue dans la reoƒtr©sentaÃipn qu’on lui propose. Une levée de bouclier face à un clip sexiste ? C’était pour le buzz ! Et vu qu’on en parle partout on a réussi.Une affirmation non falsifiable c’est de la croyance et non de la science.

Autor: pron best20.09.2017 09:03
exRd6r pretty practical stuff, overall I imagine this is worthy of a bookmark, thanks

Autor: suba buba8.11.2017 14:56
gPE8IN This particular blog is without a doubt educating additionally diverting. I have picked a bunch of interesting advices out of this amazing blog. I ad love to visit it again soon. Thanks!

Autor: 28.01.2023 01:53
To the owner, Your posts are always well presented.

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