Wrangler TJ–Sport
Označenie automobilu
Wrangler TJ – Sport r.v. 2000
4,0 L
Pneumatiky a disky
35x12,5 R15
Procomp ,Teraflex zdvihnuie o 6“+ body lift o 3“ , predĺžené ramená, odpojiteľné stabilizátory
Séria, prevod : 4,11:1,zosilnené poloosi, vzadu samosvorný diferenciál DETROIT LOCKER
Príslušenstvo extériové
navijak vpredu vzadu , prídavné svetlá, ochranné rámy ,pevnostné nárazníky, snorchel,
Príslušenstvo interiérové
vysielačka CB

Autor: Rodrick | 10.03.2015 17:13 |
I |
Autor: w5FoSJJgjN | 27.03.2015 02:56 |
A piece of eriiotdun unlike any other! |
Autor: 37QKWII1 | 27.03.2015 05:53 |
Well maamdcaia nuts, how about that. |
Autor: Quinn | 24.04.2015 06:15 |
Thanks , I have just been looking for information approximately this subject for a long time and yours is the best I |
Autor: zbCaOcU4jam | 24.06.2016 07:29 |
Invece è bellino assai sto cosino, e se lo facessero in una plastica abbtzaansa leggera davvero te lo potresti sollevare con una maniglia e portartelo su a casa quando non lo usi.Certo, di portare un passeggero non se ne parla... e manco una busta della spesa... |
Autor: MdD636JMTwqb | 24.06.2016 09:39 |
The “death of a soccer player from Cameroon”. Is this a work in progress? There’s a dead dog so far!Something about your writing reminded me of the early nineteeth century German writer Heinrich Von Kleist. Who like Ian Curtis died young by his own hand. I looked up my old Penguin classic of ‘The Marquis of O and other stories’ and from the introduction – “The world of all these stories is an unpredicable one, a world of dislocated causality on which inexplicable factors intrude and in which sanity is poised on the brink of detosucritn”. Though I’m not sure that there’s an exact correspondence! |
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